The gated property is maintained and occupied 24 hours a day.
Yes, definitely. As long as it is two of the same species and they get along with each other. They can stay together and lower the cost of boarding. The second pet will incur boarding charges at a discounted price.
We can separate the dogs at feeding time if necessary. Just let us know at check in.
Unfortunately, we do not have a facility to board your cats and dogs together at this point in time.
Yes, you may bring in one washable bed or blanket, treats, chews, and/or food. We ask that everything is clearly marked using a permanent marker with your pet’s first and last name.
We will supply all toys, due to the septic design, large area of walk trails, play yards and laundry, so we request that you leave all your pet’s toys at home.
We have stainless steel dishes for all pet feeding and all our own exercise equipment, leashes and collars. You may bring in a harness, should your pet be more acclimated to a harness. Please note that all personal items are left at your own risk.
No problem. We monitor and record if your pet is relieving themselves in the kennel, during walks and or play times throughout the day. If we find that a particular dog is not relieving themselves, then we will take them out for a quick “potty” break at no extra charge.
Yes, we give tours between the hours of 11:00 am and 1:00pm, Monday through Sunday. Sorry, but we do ask that your pet only tour in the office, front grass area and parking areas. As a courtesy to our boarding clients, we ask this in order to keep our pet boarders as calm, quiet and stress free as possible.
No, we will only board families together. We will not pair your pets up with any other families. On special occasions we will have customers request to board with their best friend’s dog or parent’s dogs and this is acceptable provided both families agree.
Yes, our staff is very experienced with administrating medications. Please provide medication in the original bottle or clearly marked baggies. We do ask no weekly dated pill containers. Most of the time there is no extra charge. We prefer to give your dog’s pills in a piece of hot dog or peanut butter and cats in can food. If your pet has allergies or sensitive stomach, please bring in their own can food or pill pockets. We prefer not to give medication in meals. Shots such as insulin or allergies are $10 per shot, we do not administer Sub Q fluids or intermuscular injections. Cats that receive insulin injections must be boarded separately from other family cats to monitor eating habits. We ask that you bring in a syringe for every shot needed. We will not re-use needles.
In a major emergency we prefer to use Animal Emergency Services or Seattle Vet Services. For an ongoing problem we will try to contact the owner and/or emergency contact you provided and then try to seek treatment with one of our local veterinarians or emergency vets.
We take Visa, Debit, American Express, Discover and MasterCard, Apple Pay and local personal checks and cash. Long term boarders need to pay every 30 days and all other payments are due at check out.
If you are running a little late, call us and we will try to make special arrangements. Please understand just like many other businesses with specific time management schedules, we also have a time specific schedule for our staff to adhere to and we have our four legged “guests” also needing our attention. Traffic is always an issue after 3pm during the week, so we recommend you plan ahead if possible. We can occasionally make special arrangements for early or late customers at an additional charge.
We have a large and very caring staff. Your pet will have an attendant seeing to their needs. We feed and provide fresh water twice a day and hose at least 3 times a day. In addition, we chart their daily intake and out take. Every attendant spends some time with each pet daily.
If a pet is scheduled for exercise, there is even more interaction.
You do not have to bring in your own food. We feed dry food both in Adult and Senior blends for the dogs and a dry cat maintenance for the cats. Our high quality food is nutritious and very palatable, but in the event that they still will not eat, then we do have some miscellaneous tricks such as parmesan cheese, chicken broth, peanut butter, and we also have some different blends for the canned food to entice the dogs and cats.
We welcome pets to wear regular nylon or leather collars while boarding. You do not have to leave a collar on your pet. The only time we request it, is if your pet is on medications and/or attending group play. We do not allow any type of choke chains or pinch collars on dogs while boarding. If your pet uses a harness due to neck or back problems you may leave it with us for activities and we will remove it after the activities.